A Glimpse: Pocitelj

The air had a bite to it but the sun was shining all day today.

We stopped in Pocitelj to climb up through the old town, but

first–coffee. Well, I decided on tea this time. In the little

cafe at the bottom of the village (the only public facility

there was), they didn’t have to-go cups bigger than

espresso size, so the barista offered me a ceramic house

mug that I could bring back on the way back down. 

So there I was, ascending the cobblestone stairs and hills through the village balancing a big mug of hot tea. Elvira, Iris and I chose a spot about halfway up in full sun to sit, enjoy the view and our hot drinks (they had espressos in little paper cups) and admire a strikingly beautiful old wooden door behind us, which we rested our backs and took photos against. 

We finished the climb, marveling at lovely old Ottoman style windows and then finding the peak, where we set up a phone camera and danced in front of it for at least a full minute. 

Eventually, we made our way back down past wild pomegranate trees, elderly locals on their rooftop patios, and a mosque that radiated ancient grandeur. I walked into the cafe and thanked the waiter as I returned my now empty mug. 

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